Blue Ridge ESOP Associates Industry News

Congressional Site Visits (5 Steps)

Posted by ESOP Association

Jul 7, 2017 10:08:48 AM

US Capitol.jpgMichael Keeling, President of The ESOP Association, recently had an inquiry about what to do during a Congressional Site visit. His response was a 5 Step process:

1) A list of members of the House from your State that have co-sponsored HR 2092, the pro-ESOP bill, or the same bill in the last Congress, which was HR 2096. A member of Congress often looks to see what his or her colleagues are supporting and are influenced when those that they trust are behind a piece of legislation.

2) A brief explanation of the provisions of HR 2092 that you can hand over to the Congressman.

3) A suggested verbal statement to the Congressperson asking that he/she consider joining their colleagues in sponsoring the pro-ESOP position.

4) A summary of the overwhelming macro data that demonstrate that ESOP companies provide excellent retirement savings benefits, are more productive, more profitable and provide sustainable jobs.

5) Here is the thing that all politicians proclaim-no matter what their politics are-I am for jobs, jobs, jobs. The Advocacy Kit contains a chart that shows from 2002 to 2016 data that employee stock ownership companies lay off employees at a rate 4 to 8 times lesss than conventionally owned companies.

The Advocacy Kit is available through The ESOP Association and contains the materials described in these steps. Take the time to review them before you host your local representatives!

And if you want to know why a Congressional visit is important for you company, watch this video from The ESOP Association.

Topics: Congressional Visits

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