My ESOP third party administrator (TPA) is asking me to “please verify whether you have synthetic equity and any new family groups.” Why are they asking?
My ESOP third party administrator (TPA) is asking me to “please verify whether you have synthetic equity and any new family groups.” Why are they asking?
Topics: S-Corp, 409p Testing
Posted by Ray Mazurowski, QKA
Oct 28, 2022 1:36:36 PM
My administrator just informed me that we have exceeded 415 limits, but I know for a fact our contribution for the year is under the maximum 404 limit. What gives? Let’s look at the difference between Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 404 - Deduction of Employer Contributions and IRC – 415 Maximum Annual Additions.
Topics: IRC, Compliance Testing, 415 Limits
Blue Ridge ESOP Associates can provide everything you need to administer your ESOP, 401(k) or combination ESOP/401(k) plan. Our full service outsourcing, which can include participant on-line services, provides worry-free assistance for your HR or Benefits staff, leaving them free to concentrate on other responsibilities.
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