If you are attending next month's Multi-State ESOP Conferencein Wilkes-Barre, PA, please stop by our table and plan on attening the following session where our Blue Ridge professionals will be speaking.
Technical - Common Administrative Errors
Wednesday, September 14 - 1:30 p.m.
Jon Williams will be co-presenting this session which will look at common administrative errors. ESOPs are complex and require special attention to detail. This session will cover a wide variety of common errors and provide tips on how to avoid them. Correction methods and governmental correction programs will also be discussed.
Technical - Legal and Fiduciary Update
Thursday, September 15 - 11:00 a.m.
Dolores Lawrence will be on a panel discussion about what ESOP fiduciaries need to know about regulatory changes, governmental investigations and examinations of ESOPs. We'll discuss DOL's continued ESOP enforcement project. This session will also include discussion on the IRS determination letter program changes and recent IRS guidance on ESOP diversification.